I spied, with my little eye, 3 auto Vespas parked at various carparks around NIE today too! 1st one, a beige / pink stripes ET8 summoned at NIE Carpark3! Probably a lady rider yeah?

2nd, a sparkling new silver GT! Also summoned at Carpark 3, just 4 bikes away from the ET8....

3rd pic, the brown / beige GT spied at NIE Carpark 5! I personally love this colour combi... hehe but i heard GTs bought from Piaggio now no longer comes in this combi unless u self-sprayed! Quite an influx of Vespas today! Pretty cool huh :)

Oh it was a darn fun ride for me together with Rae & KK! Get to know campus better too... LOL
And as KK puts it, this is one smart fellow! Sheltered from the elements! Hehe poor me had to wrap mine up in a jacket every night in case it rains yeah~
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