Mishaps and Mamas
Another successful outing! Well...almost. What was supposed to have been a pleasant 10pm supper meeting at the Makansutra-acclaimed Casuarina Curry became a night of bad bad service which started an hour later than
scheduled at 11pm.
scheduled at 11pm.
Well, it was nobody's fault that it started at 11pm. Poor KK's gear cable snapped just as he was leaving his carpark. So suay. Luckily for him, Vespa buddies Rae, HF and Maz were there to help him and give him moral and technical support he badly needed. Meanwhile, CY, Red and Ash discussed how Doctorate holders got their titles and managed to down their 5th Teh Cino (respectively) while waiting for their fellow riders to arrive from Sengkang.
To cut a long story short, here's the list of problems encountered.
- Ash's thosai masala got squashed by dirty trays when the mama waiter was clearing them...NOT! He left the whole stack there after realising that Ash hadn't finished his food without a word of apology. Why didn't he clear them? We will never know... (Strike #1)
- HF's order list was casually waved away by another mama waiter with a "Vait ah..." And vait we did...We managed to order our food, but they never came. (Strike #2)
- Well, we would consider this to be the restaurant's problem, not so much of ours. We finally left the place with a bad impression, with some of us swearing never to set a foot there again...but of course, we paid them what they deserved before leaving (HOMERUN!!!!!).
- Huifen dropped her bike keys INTO THE SEA! Maz braved the steep cliff and the darkness to help her retrieve them. Lucky we got kampong boy Maz. And Cheezels.
- Ant invasion!!!! We carelessly parked our bikes right into the warpath of ants who didn't hesitate to let us know that the parking lot belonged to them.
Here are some pictures from that eventful night. First outing in the series of KUNs (Know Ur N'hood). This time, we explored the far north. WOODLANDS, MARSILING and SEMBAWANG.
Special mention goes out to our two-time hero for the night MAZ, who managed to save HF and KK's asses.
Ant attack!!! At Sembawang Park.
The pesky little things made starting our bikes a jumpy affair.
HF being ambushed in the toilet.
No one escapes Ash's lens.

Kampong Boy Maz the hero!!!
Braving the steep cliff and the darkness to retrieve HF's keys.
Note Geomancer KK's throwing of his Cheezels into the darkness to help locate the keys.
See the Causeway in the background?
To those who missed this outing, look forward to the next one, ok? It's the long-awaited Mersing trip next. Kudos to Maz and Red who sacrificed valuable time and risked life and limb by venturing into notorious JB to do a recce on the group's behalf.
Ash: I may have taken a few liberties with the actual details of certain events. But...what the heck!!! I know you, you know, we happy lah.
Labels: casuarina curry, KUN, mama, Maz
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