Thursday, December 13, 2018
Monday, November 30, 2009
Vivo Vespa 2009
Vivo Vespa is back! Remember the kampung theme last year? This time round it's gonna be 'Concrete Jungle' edition.
Date: 20 Dec 09
Venue: Wallich Street Public Carpark
Time: 9am
Registration fee: S$8 (member) / S$12 (non-member)
Registration Closing Date: 10 Dec 09
More details available at
Let me know if you're keen. We could submit a group registration. =)
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Galley by the Straits + Bottle Tree Night
The restaurant is sea-facing, a stone throw away is our northern neighbours. As i did not bring my tripod along, i did not capture any proper night shot, hence will not bother with posting the lousy pictures up. But you can take a look at their website here.
Galley by the Straits, hidden behind lines and lines of yachts.
The restaurant warm orange lightings was made warmer by their in-house singer who made our night a lot more ‘lively’. So much so that we have to speak at the top of our voices, falling short of shouting.
Tough choice making our selection
The talented Ang Moh who kept singing for 80% of the time we were there, even entertaining diners song requests. Makes us wonder what songs he can’t play/sing. We decided not to quiz him with tough newly released songs…
Having our appetisers while waiting for the arrival of Old Mother – Huifen. Stomachs already starting their orchestra…
Luckily she arrived when we were almost done with our starters. It was another long wait before our dishes were served as (according to the waitress) there was only 2 chefs preparing western food (which most of us order), hence the torture.
After dinner, we pondered a while on where to head to next before Ash suggested Bottle Tree Village where we could do some prawn-ing. Been a long while since we did our convoys.
It’s different when you ride together.
Shortly after one wrong turn, we made our way into the Bottle Tree Village, where Ash was fascinated by the ancient weighing machine.
“Can i have a volunteer please?”
We are to keep Huifen’s weight a secret, luckily its within the weighing machine’s limit of 500kg.
Seeing the mini-prawning crowd, we did the next most logical thing…
Presenting… Zech the Fisherman.
Starting with 2 rods for 1hr, we eventually extended it to 2.5hrs due to the overwhelming excitement of catching the prawns. And also a friendly rivalry from the prawning teams of NIE – MAE – NBS.
Maz amazed everyone by getting a catch within 2 minutes of lowering his rod. Kampung power lah!
The momentum sort of slowed a little, before their quick change of rod, and the MAE boys are back in business.
Huda is just getting started with her prawning spree, you should have seen how she man-handled (or lady-handled) our prawns.
The crowded pool. Makes us wonder if there were enough prawns for everyone. Somehow our catch always look smaller than those that we caught opposite us.
Nonetheless, patience is the way to go.
Our trophies for the night being prep for our dinner table. Not the prettiest of sight.
Catching the prawns with their bare-hands seems harder than using the rod.
While the boys are busying with getting the prawns onto the stick, the ladies are manning our grill… while I’m just snapping pictures.
A nice orange glow from our tasty prawns
While most of us would be happy with our prawns cooked, Ash has other ideas. He decided to have it raw, as fresh as it could be.
As he demonstrated how it should be eaten, we were all busy taking pictures & videos of his Bear Grylls act.
Just for Ash: Next time, try to have your prawns eaten when they are orange in colour, not grey.
See how nice they look!
Just looking at them makes your mouth waters. Not to mention the slightly charred smell.
The Mae Boys with their big prawns
Digging in our 14 cooked prawns. Good supper after a looooooong night.
And a parting shot before we bid farewell to Bottle Tree Village…
For more pictures, do check this out.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Club Meet
Hope you're all satisfied and happy with your exam results. It's been a long time since we had an official club meet. Here's something totally different from our usual prata or teh meets at ktm.
Date: 29 May
Time: 6.45pm
Where to: Galley by the Straits
Meeting point: Pavement of Woodlands Civic Centre (we'll ride to the restaurant together)
Thanks to Ash for this wonderful suggestion. It's waterfront dining man. Check the restaurant out at Sorry for the last minute notification. Hope to see you there!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Sunday, March 08, 2009
Singapore Entertainment Awards
NTU Vespa Club was there to grace the event by contributing our Vespas for the opening red carpet ceremony, allowing our scooters to bask in the 5minutes of fame. Celebrities that we came in close contact with includes Zuo Guang Ping, Wu Jia Hui, Energy & Xiao Zhu (Luo Zhi Xiang).
Some photos as evidence:
For more coverage of the event, do check here.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
R.U.N. 3 - Port Dickson
As per schedule, the guys and girls arrived at KTM before the stipulated time, probably too excited about the trip... i know Huifen is. Jumping up and down like a 6 year-old who has gotten her new toy.

We cleared the causeway and were soon at the first pump at Gelang Patah at about 12.30mn or so. Checking and making sure all our tyres are of the suitable pressure before setting off, during which we discovered some really powerful tyres.

Our last pump before heading off the highway and into the winding trunk roads of Port Dickson. Finally, we are almost there. Almost. As day breaks, we found ourselves in unfamiliar territory, whipping out our map to reconfirm our position as well as to keep the raincoat away.

Here we are at some eatery for our breakfast while waiting for the kind uncle to deliver the keys to our apartment to us as well as to lead us into our accommodation. By the way, it's raining while we ate.
We are not the tidy sort, apparently. Tired from the long night ride, extending from night to dawn.

We took our well-deserved nap (about 2hrs?) just to recharge some of our juice before we go check out the beach & lighthouse in the afternoon. It had been a long day for most of us, having to work/go school earlier on.

The climb up to the lighthouse took its toll on our stomachs, the sweet aroma of food cooking away in the distance did no help to fight off our hunger pangs so we headed for the Telok Kemang beach for foodie.

We got some tidbits after dinner to idle the rest of the night away in our comfy little house, but before we slack our lives away. We did what all Vespa lovers would do... shower them with TLC.
The rest of the night was spent in front of the TV watching and debating about Memoirs of a Geisha, in particular, the role of a Geisha. After which, it was light-hearted annimation Shrek 3 to entertain the kid in all of us... then slowly, one by one, we felt the bed bug... We had to rest early as we are checking out at 10am the next day. A very tight schedule.
So the journey back begins, basically revisiting the same spots we went to during the night journey but now with better vision and more vehicles on the road.

Our final makan place and pump before heading back to familiar ground. Some satays and drinks to end our Malaysian leg of the ride.

Are you ready for R.U.N.4?